eResearch NZ presentation slides

All of the links and slides from eResearch NZ 2016.

There were lots of fantastic presentations at eResearch NZ this year, including plenary sessions presented by Inder Monga and Rob Elshire. You can find links for (almost) every presentation here, organised alphabetically by first name, and when we get our final two slide decks (and you know who you are!) we'll have the full set.

Abigail Koay, Victoria University of Wellington: "Using test ranges for cyber security research"

Aleksandra Pawlik, Software Sustainability Institute, University of Manchester: "Supporting research software community through training at the Software Sustainability Institute"

Brendon Bradley, University of Canterbury: "Ground motion simulations of damaging recent and future earthquakes using NeSI HPC resources"

Bruno Lago, Catalyst IT: "Global collaboration and exchange of research tools"

Carlos Chorao, REANNZ: "REANNZ security services strategy and roadmap"

Charles Yun, REANNZ: "So you want to send 100Gb of data?" Slides 1-15Slides 16-31

Christopher Lorier, REANNZ: "Faucet: the REANNZ software defined office network"

Danny Baillie, University of Otago: "Dipolar quantum gases"

Dan Sun, NeSI and Nic Mair, NZGL: "NZGL - NeSI alliance presentation"

David Eyers, University of Otago: "Enriching books and printed theses with linked digital artefacts"

David Fellinger, DDN: "Accelerating high performance cluster computing through the reduction of file system latency"

David Jericho, AARNet: "CloudStor: Getting out of the way of researchers"

David Wilde, AARNet: "The ANZ SDN testbed"

Ella Hodgson, Auckland University of Technology: "Research data management solution"

Fabiana Kubke, University of Auckland: "Digital literacy and scholarship for researchers at the University of Auckland"

Finlay Thompson, Dragonfly Data Science: "Trust but verify: fisheries science in the cloud"

Georgina Rae, NeSI: "Growing New Zealand researcher's computing capability - software carpentry workshops in NZ"

Hamish Patrick, Lincoln University: "Is it a Queensland fruit fly? Using NGS data to develop diagnostic markers"

Ian Foster, University of Chicago & Argonne National Lab: "Building the modern research data portal"

Ian Welch, Victoria University of Wellington: "A practical introduction to software-defined networking using Openflow"

Inder Monga, ESnet: Plenary address

Jamie Curtis, REANNZ: "SCinet - the world's fastest network to showcase the world's fastest computers"

John Rugis, NeSI: "An HPC implementation of the finite element method"

Jonah Duckles, The Software Carpentry Foundation: "Software carpentry and data carpentry: our stories so-far"

Jonny Williams, NIWA: "The role of high-performance computing for the Deep South National Science Challenge"

Jordi Blasco, NeSI: "Early experiences with cloud bursting managed by Slurm at NeSI"

Markus Mueller, Landcare Research: "Satellite image processing in a high-performance computing environment"

Matt Stevens, Victoria University of Wellington: "Black-box testing of in-line functionality in SDN networks"

Max Wilkinson, JMW Consulting: "Joining technical and cultural concerns: managing research data"

Michael Uddstrom, NeSI: "The NeSI national platforms framework"

Mik Black, University of Otago: "Opening the science: using a Mozilla Study Group to help grow an open science culture"

Muhammad Asif Naeem, Auckland University of Technology: "Caching and load shedding in semi-stream joins for skewed big data"

Nick Jones, NeSI: NeSI update Slides 1-20Slides 21-38

Nicole Ferguson, REANNZ: REANNZ update

Rachael Ashby, AgResearch: "Developing a Genotyping by sequencing platform for the New Zealand Greenshell mussel"

Ralph Chivers, GCSB: "GCSB: cyber security, supporting safe eResearch"

Rob Elshire, The Elshire Group Limited: Plenary address

Robert Peters, ORCID and Alan Hyndman, Figshare: "The ugly child of research: software citations (Orcid)"

Ruy Jauregui, AgResearch "Across kingdom optimisation of genotype by sequence data analysis presentation"

Ryan Chard, Victoria University of Wellington: "Autonomic cloud provisioning for scientific workloads"

Sat Mandri, REANNZ: "Value proposition for Federated Identity Management for Research (FIM4R)"

Sean Curran, Aspera: "File transfer innovations for life sciences: 'How watching Survivor changed how I talk to data intensive institutions'"

Shiobhan Smith and Jane Khan, University of Otago: "Collaboration or imposition: developing a data management plan at the University of Otago"

Suzanne Rosier, NIWA: "Global distributed computing used to diagnose changes in New Zealand's extreme weather with global warming"

Tatiana Lomasko, Scion: "Bringing New Zealand's eResearch in parity with that established by North America's human genomics community"

Tom Kelly, University of Otago: "Sifting the needles in the haystack: permutation resampling biological pathways in cancer genomic interaction data"

Tony Lough, NZGL: NZGL update

Wolfgang Hayek, NeSI/NIWA: "Acceleration made easy - speeding up your science codes with (fairly) little effort"

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