Tuakiri - Trust and Identity

Tuakiri provides trusted and secure federated identity and access management.

Tuakiri allows an end-user to consume services, access resources, and otherwise collaborate within New Zealand while using their home institution’s identity. This means that the end-user does not require a unique identity with every remote organisation they are working with, simplifying the workflow of both the end-user, and the IT staff as the service being accessed gets trusted identity that has been verified by the home organisation.

The same capability is recreated in many nations around the world, each operating their own equivalent service. These national level services can be linked together using eduGAIN, enabling that same simplified workflow across the globe.

Tuakiri Services catalogue

Some of the services that Tuakiri enables access to include: 

  • NZ ORCID Hub (researcher identification)

  •  My eQuals (Online academic credential and transcripts) 

  • NeSI (NZ eScience Infrastructure - computational research support)

  • and eduGAIN (international inter-federation service) Tuakiri. Find out more about eduGAIN here

For the full list of the services and websites you can connect to using Tuakiri check out the Tuakiri Service Catalogue.

A list of the current services that can be accessed in eduGAIN via Tuakiri is available here Tuakiri Service Catalogue - eduGAIN

Technical information

Here you'll find more information on how to become an identity provider or a service provider and a more technical break down of how Tuakiri works.

Tuakiri federation members

Who is a member of the Tuakiri federation? Find more information on how to become a member of the Tuakiri federation and who currently uses this service here.

Further support

Find out more about REANNZ Products and Services.