EVENT: NZNOG 2020 conference

Date: 30 - 31 January 2020
Location: Christchurch

The 17th annual NZNOG conference is 
to be hosted at the Rydges Latimer Hotel in central Christchurch on 30 and 31 Jan 2019. With the conference there will be a three day Workshop 27-29 Jan and a day of tutorials on 29 Jan.

The NZNOG conference, workshops and tutorials are a once-a-year 
opportunity for individuals and organisations involved in Internet operations to meet and share the latest in Internet operations, technologies, practices and receive high quality training.

The event is unique in New Zealand and attracts technical, skilled individuals with a genuine interest in Internet operations and Internetworking technologies.

Submissions on any aspect of networking are welcome however they are 
particularly interested in talks that involve real world deployment experience, particularly in New Zealand.

To submit a paper please e-mail:  talks@nznog.org
The call for submissions can be found at: http://www.nznog.org/nznog-2020/call-for-papers-2020

For more information about the conference visit www.nznog.org or contact: talks@nznog.org

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