News and Events REANNZ Lunchtime Session: eduroam October's Lunchtime Session was presented by Systems Administrator Paul Gunn, who will provided a deep dive into eduroam, the wireless roaming service supported by GÉANT, the pan European NREN.eduroam is used widely within the international NREN community and the uptake has been widespread among REANNZ members. The session provided an update on the size and breadth of eduroam coverage locally and globally, showing examples of how it has been adopted and the tools that support its deployment. If you missed the session you can download the presentation slides and view the recording here on YouTube. Abstract:October's Lunchtime Session will be presented by Systems Administrator Paul Gunn, who will provide a deep dive into eduroam, the wireless roaming service supported by GÉANT, the pan European NREN.Tools like eduGAIN, eduVPN and eduroam each work to support simple and secure access to networks, resources and internet connectivity that are essential to enabling the hundreds of thousands of researchers, scientists, students and academics that NRENs support.eduroam is used widely within the international NREN community and the uptake has been widespread among REANNZ members. This session will provide an update on the size and breadth of eduroam coverage locally and globally, showing examples of how it has been adopted and the tools that support its deployment. Save the date and Zoom in to join the session.