DC Connect

High bandwidth, cost effective connectivity services into Data Centres and Cloud providers.

The nature of research and business IT continues to evolve with the accelerated adoption of Cloud services to satisfy the needs of both business operations and research. Data Centre Connect (DC Connect) is a service that REANNZ can provide at selected Data Centre sites around the country, allowing for high bandwidth, cost effective connectivity into the REANNZ Network.
This is an alternative option to our Managed Access and Edge service that requires a dedicated Fibre from the Data Centre to the nearest REANNZ PoP. This service uses preinstalled equipment and diverse connectivity at the Data Centre, bringing the edge of the REANNZ Network into the facility which allows the quick delivery of new services and ensures high uptime and availability. DC Connect uses shared REANNZ infrastructure to then connect into the wider REANNZ Network and other Cloud providers. 


We are currently able to provide multiple 10G services with full diversity to meet bandwidth requirements and have this service deployed into the following data centres, with more likely to follow in the future:


  • Orbit Datacom Data Centre
  • University of Auckland Tamaki Data Centre
  • CDC Hobsonville Data Centre
  • CDC Silverdale Data Centre 
  • CCL (Spark) Takanini Data Centre (limited presence)


  • Kapua Datacom Data Centre


  • CCL (Spark) Trentham Data Centre

We are always interested to hear from our membership on where they would like us to establish a presence. Get in touch with us at help@reannz.co.nz if you have particular locations of interest and would like to know more about where this service can be offered.

If you have any questions for the team or would like to know more about connectivity options please get in touch at help@reannz.co.nz

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